
with Jenni Chestnut at the

Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum

 Nashville, Tennessee

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On several dates over the past few years CanJoe*John, accompanied by Jenni Chestnut on the guitar, have performed old time Appalachain mountain music while demonstrating CanJoe*John's cool one-stringed canjoe instrument, the strumstick, and the fiddle. Their programs include stories that weave the history, evolution, and origins of country and mountain music and these "edu-tainment" demonstrations have been well attended events. Below are a couple of photos of their performances (photography by Phil Allen):


Copyright (c)1996- 2007 The CanJoe Company. {All rights reserved}

Background music "Grandfather Clock" from CanJoe*John's CD "One String, One Can, One Man, and One Band" BMI 2000